Submitter Information

Fields marked with an * are required

We may contact you for more information.

Event Information

Select "weekly" to choose recurring weekdays.

Repeat by
Online only or hybrid?

For online events, please put "Online." Use the 'this is an online event' box above to attach the meeting link.

A brief description of your event for the calendar overview (300 characters max). See an example.

A full summary of your event for your event details page

Event Contact Information

Event type(s):
Please add one or more categories for your event.
Event types
Not intended to display information.
Image will be displayed in a small square (132x132 pixels).
JPG, GIF, PNG, and PDF files accepted ( 50MB max)
Attach a Flyer
( 50 MB max)
Submission Form FAQ
Event Submission Policy

Events can be submitted by anyone in the CSM community. All submissions will be reviewed before posting to the public calendar.

Events should be submitted at least two weeks in advance to allow adequate time for additional promotion (digital signs, external event calendars, social media).

For assistance with additional promotion, please submit a Marketing Assistance Request Form.

All events submitted before 10 am on Friday will be shared out the following Monday in the Weekly Update email that goes out to all students and employees.